Friday, July 18, 2008

Andy, will you share some of Ted's experiences at Boy Scout camp? He's the first of the bunch to go to sleep-away camp.

1 comment:

AndrewDonnaTedKatherine said...

OK, basics from Ted: he had fun, wasn't at all homesick, the first-year scout program was a little heavy on the crafts. He earned Tenderfoot and his knife/hatchet safety certification. He's already had a loooonnnnngg shower and his clothes went straight to the washer for a 2-rinse cycle. It would appear that he wore two pairs of socks and underwear during the seven days, plus only a couple tshirts. He has requested Subway for dinner, of course, but I'm heading out to our pool's Crab Feast to dismantle an entire organism...oh, and have some beer, too.