Saturday, July 26, 2008


I will be writing a lot about the Downtown Women's Center. Downtown as in Los Angeles. Women as in older female persons without children in tow. And Center as in a place to meet and live.

When it was founded 30 years ago this month, it was the FIRST agency in LA devoted to the problems of homeless women. It has permanent living quarters for 45 women, a day center, social service help, meals, employment assistance, etc. They recently purchased a larger building so they will have 90-100 living quarters and a larger facility in general. They subsist largely on donations of money, time, and stuff. They have little governmental support.

I have gotten myself involved with this through the L.I.F.E. program (Living Independently in a Friendly Environment) here in Park LaBrea. That program is focussed, correctly, on providing support and information to seniors here. However, there was the idea that we should look outside of ourselves and the Downtown Women's Center Action Group was created. I am the coordinator, but the 10-12 members are all very capable.

Our first project is a clothing drive to be held September 26. More later.